Monday, March 25, 2013


What better way to start a blog about home than with something totally inane.  An herb saver is what I'm talking about.

Since I started gravitating back to my hippie-dippie roots, there's a lot more herbs hanging around the house.  And since it's Winter there's nothing in the garden but remnants, twigs and stems. So I'm having to pay hard cold cash for my thyme, rosemary, parsley and cilantro. 

I found this herb saver on Amazon for $7 dollars. You might be able to get a better deal locally, but since we have Amazon Prime I thought that was a reasonable price.  And now that I've found that it works, I'm going to buy a couple more.

sad parsley left unloved in the fridge
Sad parsley left unloved in the fridge
Look!  The parsley actually looks better.  (What wonders water will work)
Look!  The parsley actually looks better.  (What wonders water will work)
Here's the parsley crammed into it's new home.
Here's the parsley crammed into it's new home.

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